Javier Santana
qualopec at
Mon Oct 19 04:40:53 EDT 2009
it's very easy, uses sqlalchemy as ORM and jinja2 (others can be used
if you want) for templates.
On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 10:24 AM, Bruno Desthuilliers
<bruno.42.desthuilliers at websiteburo.invalid> wrote:
> flebber a écrit :
>> Hi
>> I have been searching through the vast array of python frameworks
>> and its quite astounding the
>> choice available.
>> I am looking at using a web framework for my personal project which
>> isn't actually aimed at developing a website as such. However I deduce
>> that rather than creating a gui application and screen input for data,
>> I can use a web browser for this and have a great array of tools to
>> format input screens and output display formats.
> Yeps - but remember that a web app will have a couple limitations /
> drawbacks, specially wrt/ handling complex UI.
>> Since I will be retreiving information from several websites (usually
>> csv files) formatting them and submitting them to a database and
>> creating queries and printouts based on them most frameworks seem to
>> handle this basically with ease and for any complex queries most
>> support SqlAlchemy.
>> Is it simply a case of just picking one and starting and I would find
>> it hard to be dissapointed or is there a few special considerations to
>> make, though I am unsure what they are?
> Given your "specs", forget about monstruosities like Zope, Twisted etc, that
> will mostly get in the way. You have simple needs, use a simple tool !-)
>> Most obvious ones I am considering are Django (Of course),
> A pretty good framework, but you'll loose some of it's nice features if you
> ever want to use an alternate DB layer or templating system. OTHO, most
> other more "flexible" frameworks just don't offer this level of integration,
> so it's may not be such a big deal.
> Note that Django's ORM, while already pretty good and constently improving,
> is not as powerful as SLQAlchemy (now nothing prevents you from going down
> to raw SQL for the more complex queries - and this might be better anyway,
> since complex queries usually requires to be very fine tuned and tend to not
> be really portable). The Forms API OTHO is a real winner IMHO.
>> Pylons
>> includes SqlAlchemy, Sql Object and templating and I here turbogears
>> plans to sit on top of this platform.
> I admit I fail to see what TG brings except for more indirection levels.
>> Zope I am considering but I am a
>> little confused by this.
> Friendly advice (based on years of working experience): don't waste your
> time with Zope.
>> The are heaps of others but not sure how to
>> narrow the selection criteria.
>> How/Why woul you split Django and Pylons let alone the others?
> Django : very strong integration, excellent documentation and support, huge
> community, really easy to get started with. And possibly a bit more mature
> and stable...
> Pylons : more loosely coupled (imply: less integration), based on "standard"
> components - which is both a blessing and a curse, specially wrt/
> documentation -, requires a good knowledge of Python and the HTTP protocol
> to get started with. Very powerful and flexible but this comes with a
> price...
> Now both are written by talented programmers, and both are pretty good
> tools. I guess it's more a matter of personal preferences and/or external
> constraints (PHB etc...) than anything else.
> A couple other "lightweight" candidates you migh want to consider are
> werkzeug and
>> Database likely to be MySQl
> Mmmm.... If your application is "write-heavy", PostgreSQL might be a better
> choice. Anyway, both Django's ORM and SQLAlchemy work fine with MySQL
> --
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