Is __mul__ sufficient for operator '*'?
Gary Herron
gherron at
Mon Oct 19 21:01:40 EDT 2009
Muhammad Alkarouri wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I was having a go at a simple implementation of Maybe in Python when I
> stumbled on a case where x.__mul__(y) is defined while x*y is not.
> The class defining x is:
> class Maybe(object):
> def __init__(self, obj):
> self.o = obj
> def __repr__(self):
> return 'Maybe(%s)' % object.__getattribute__(self, "o")
> def __getattribute__(self, name):
> try:
> o = object.__getattribute__(self, "o")
> r = getattr(o,name)
> if callable(r):
> f = lambda *x:Maybe(r(*x))
> return f
> else:
> return Maybe(r)
> except:
> return Maybe(None)
> The code exercising this class is:
>>>> x=Maybe(9)
>>>> x.__mul__(7)
> Maybe(63)
>>>> x*7
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "<pyshell#83>", line 1, in <module>
> x*7
> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'Maybe' and 'int'
The product 7*x will execute __mul__, but to catch x*7, you need to
define __rmul__ (the 'r' stands for reverse or some such).
However, in fact, you have *not* defined __mul__ in your class. Your
__getattribute__ is catching __mul__ as an undefined reference, and
doing something with it -- not sure what though.
As proof, continue testing: x.__mul__ and x.__rmul__ both return
values (lambdas defined within __getattribute__) and neither x*7 or 7*x
If you want both x* and 7*x to be defined, try
def __mul__(self,r):
def __rmul__(self,r):
Or the operation is commutative, perhaps you can get away with reusing
__mul__ for both.
def __mul__(self,r):
__rmul__ = __mull__
Gary Herron
> The farthest I can go in this is that I presume that __mul__ (as
> called by operator *) is supposed to be a bound method while I am
> returning a lambda function. Is this correct? And How can I make the
> implementation support such operators?
> Cheers,
> Muhammad Alkarouri
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