Bug(s) in Python 3.1.1 Windows installation
Alf P. Steinbach
alfps at start.no
Thu Oct 29 02:57:44 EDT 2009
* Gabriel Genellina:
> En Wed, 28 Oct 2009 21:06:03 -0300, Alf P. Steinbach <alfps at start.no>
> escribió:
>> The installer did manage to do the rest of that part correctly: file
>> associations and PATHEXT variable.
> The Python installer from python.org does NOT add .py and .pyw to
> PATHEXT; the ActivePython one does.
That's possible.
Or possibly it's a bug in Windows Explorer, caching the registry entry; I
discovered after writing the above that the change was not in the registry entry
itself but only in the environments of new processes, no matter how started.
It's difficult to say what the causes are, this program or that, when two
programs that both demonstrably have some bugs interact. ;-)
>> (3) Tkinter not bundled, misleading & incomplete documentation.
>> However, running Tkinter based programs does *not* work:
>> import Tkinter
> I suggest you read the documentation for the Python version you're
> using, not any other at random...
> http://docs.python.org/3.1/library/tkinter.html#a-simple-hello-world-program
> clearly says "tkinter" instead of "Tkinter"
>> Checking I find that while there is a Tkinter folder there is no file
>> [Tkinter.py] in this installation, i.e. the Tkinter module is not
>> bundled with this distribution.
> Read in the tutorial the section about packages. tkinter is a package,
> not a module.
Thanks for trying to help.
But this has already been discussed else/up-thread.
Anyways, the main problem with the installation is that it fails when asked to
compile (it seems to be a double bug: that some of the source code files to
compile have syntax errors, and that the installation program isn't smart enough
to go on with things after that), and the main problem with using Tkinter is the
name change, with the documentation that one would use (referenced from the main
3.1.1 documentation which only provides a little kick-off starter intro) still
using the old name and with, of course, no hint about version dependence.
- Alf
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