list comprehension problem

Gary Herron gherron at
Thu Oct 29 11:28:06 EDT 2009

mk wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> print hosts
> hosts = [ s.strip() for s in hosts if s is not '' and s is not None 
> and s is not '\n' ]
> print hosts
> ['\n', ' \n', '\n']
> ['', '', '']
> Why does the hosts list after list comprehension still contain '' in 
> last position?
> I checked that:
> print hosts
> hosts = [ s.strip() for s in hosts if s != '' and s != None and s != 
> '\n' ]
> print hosts
> as expected:
> ['\n', ' \n', '\n']
> ['', '']
> Are there two '\n' strings in the interpreter's memory or smth so the 
> identity check "s is not '\n'" does not work as expected?
> This is weird. I expected that at all times there is only one '\n' 
> string in Python's cache or whatever that all labels meant by the 
> programmer as '\n' string actually point to. Is that wrong assumption?

Clearly.  And even if you do figure out what the internals really are 
doing, it is foolish to write a program that depends on them -- there is 
no guarantee that such implementation specific behavior will be 
consistent over other implementations.

Conclusion:  Don't use "is" for comparison when you mean to check for 
equality.  And you do want an equality check here. 

Gary Herron

> Regards,
> mk

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