An assessment of the Unicode standard

r rt8396 at
Tue Sep 1 01:41:29 EDT 2009

Well despite all my rantings over Unicode i highly doubt Guido will
remove it from Python or any other language devs will follow suit. As
i pointed out the real issue is not so much a Unicode problem (which
is just a monkey patch) but stems from the multi-language problem.

I think a correlation can be drawn between the current state of the
world now, and the state of programming *pre* OOP. A lot of duplicate
natural languages are spread out every where like some noob's
spaghetti code. There is no intelligent all encompassing system to
reign in this unorganization.

We need an intelligent object model (universal language) to reign in
this madness.  We must wrap up the loose ends here so we can spend
more time on real problems and less time on the remedial work of
duplicating code (leaning multi-lang's) and debugging code
(miscommunication and misunderstandings between multi-lang users).

How many countless years are wasted on humans learning multiple
languages just so we can communicate? How many advancements in
medicine, physics, mathematics, blah, are we pushing further down the
road due to wasted time and energy?

But this same problem also extends into monies, nation states, units
of measure, etc. Until this multiplicity is reigned in, programmers
will suffer the agony of Unicode. Travelers to foreign lands will need
to exchange their monies And yes, *even* mechanic's will need to carry
around a set of metric and standard wrenches in their toolboxes.

What a shame :-(

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