Object Reference question

Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.42.desthuilliers at websiteburo.invalid
Tue Sep 1 09:55:22 EDT 2009

Ethan Furman a écrit :

> The best answer I can give is that you do not want to use 'name' to 
> reference the object itself, but only for printing/debugging purposes. 

Which is what the OP stated !-)

> 'name' is just a label for your object, and not necessarily the only 
> label;  that particular label may also be lost... Consider:

(snip example)

> As you can see, just because you have saved the original name does not 
> gaurantee that same name will always reference that same object, or any 
> object.

FWIW, the __name__ attributes of functions, classes and modules works 
just the same...

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