[Tkinter] messed callbacks

Giacomo Boffi giacomo.boffi at polimi.it
Wed Sep 9 08:18:47 EDT 2009

Giacomo Boffi <giacomo.boffi at polimi.it> writes:

> ok, i'll try again following your advice

,----[ test.py ]
| from Tkinter import *
| def output(s):
|   print s
| def create_cb(a,b):
|     return lambda: output(a+'->'+b)
| def doit(fr,lst):
|   for c1,c2 in zip(lst[::2], lst[1::2]):
|     subframe=Frame(fr)
|     Label(subframe,text=c1+' <-> '+c2).pack(side='left',expand=1,fill='both')
|     Button(subframe,text='>',command=create_cb(c1,c2)).pack()
|     Button(subframe,text='<',command=create_cb(c2,c1)).pack()
|     subframe.pack(fill='x',expand=1)
| root=Tk()
| doit(root,['cyan','blue','gray','black'])
| Button(root,text='Q',command=root.destroy).pack(expand=1,fill='x')
| root.mainloop()

works ok, now i have to fully understand my previous error

again, thanks you very much
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