Python: automate input to MySQL query

Threader Slash threaderslash at
Mon Sep 21 05:18:06 EDT 2009

Hi Everybody...

I have a query that works as follows:


db.query("""SELECT traveler.travelerFirstName,vaccine.vaccineName from
(traveler INNER JOIN takenvaccine ON traveler.travelerID =
        INNER JOIN vaccine ON takenvaccine.vaccineID=vaccine.vaccineID
        INNER JOIN requiredvaccine ON
        INNER JOIN city ON requiredvaccine.cityID = city.cityID
WHERE traveler.travelerFirstName = 'John'""")

The output gives me all vaccines taken by a given employee. To allow the
user to choose different names when running the system, I am trying to use a
variable, named *person*:


person = "John"

db.query("""SELECT traveler.travelerFirstName,vaccine.vaccineName from
(traveler INNER JOIN takenvaccine ON traveler.travelerID =
        INNER JOIN vaccine ON takenvaccine.vaccineID=vaccine.vaccineID
        INNER JOIN requiredvaccine ON
        INNER JOIN city ON requiredvaccine.cityID = city.cityID
WHERE traveler.travelerFirstName = 'person'""")

Then I run the query inside my python program. The first version without
variable works fine. But the second, using variable, doesn't give me any
output. What I am missing here about the python variable sintaxe to make the
MySQL work with variable ... Any suggestion?

All comments or suggestions are highly appreciated!

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