Issue with writelines
s.selvamsiva at
Wed Sep 2 13:40:46 EDT 2009
On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 6:50 PM, LeeRisq <leerisq at> wrote:
> I've written this program that has been working fine until today.
> Can't work out why it stopped working. The program pulls a list from
> an xls file, inserts each item from the list into a repeating string,
> that then concatenates the repeating string and writes it to a text
> file. It has worked fine until today, and now for some reason, it
> stops after 30 items in my list. I also just tried another list, and
> that one stopped after 70 items. Perhaps someone could take a look?
> Here's the file followed by the traceback:
> import xlrd
> import win32clipboard
> def program_uno():
> ofile = open(r"C:\Query\DQLVault.txt", "w")
> book = xlrd.open_workbook(r"C:\DocLoader\MCL_Drawing and Legacy
> Docloader Sheet.xls")
> sh = book.sheet_by_index(0)
> e = sh.cell_value(1, 0)
> a = sh.col_values(0, start_rowx=2, end_rowx=200)
> b = r'%' + e
> c = r'%Master-V%'
> y = r"SELECT object_name, bp_master_date, revision,
> bp_revision_date, bp_unit_no, r_version_label, r_object_id,
> r_lock_owner, r_content_size, a_content_type, r_modify_date,
> r_object_type, r_link_cnt, r_assembled_from_id, r_has_frzn_assembly,
> a_is_hidden, i_is_replica, i_is_reference, r_is_virtual_doc,
> i_chronicle_id, i_folder_id FROM mcl_engineer (ALL) WHERE (((upper
> (object_name) like upper('%s')) and (any upper(r_version_label) like
> upper('%s'))" %(b, c)
> w = r")) ORDER BY object_name ASC, r_object_id DESC, i_position
> ofile.writelines(y)
> for x in a:
> d = r'%' + x
> z = r" or (upper(object_name) like upper('%s')) and (any upper
> (r_version_label) like upper('%s'))" %(d, c)
> f = ofile.writelines(z)
> ofile.writelines(w)
> def copy_text():
> ifile = open(r"C:\Query\DQLVault.txt", "r")
> text =
> ifile.close()
> win32clipboard.OpenClipboard()
> win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard()
> win32clipboard.SetClipboardText(text)
> win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()
> program_uno()
> copy_text()
> Traceback:
> File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\pythonwin\pywin\framework
> \", line 310, in RunScript
> exec codeObject in __main__.__dict__
> File "C:\Query\DQL Vault Revision", line 34, in <module>
> program_uno()
> File "C:\Query\DQL Vault Revision", line 20, in program_uno
> f = ofile.writelines(z)
> TypeError: writelines() argument must be a sequence of strings
why can't you print/analyse the 'z ' value on except block.
> --
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