IMGCrush (New Python image optimizing tool)
kiithsacmp at
kiithsacmp at
Wed Sep 2 15:30:29 EDT 2009
On Sep 2, 8:59 pm, "kiithsa... at" <kiithsa... at>
> Hello people,
> I started to work on a small Python script to simplify mass conversion
> of images for a website I was working on.
> I eventually got interested in the script more than the site istelf,
> and it got a lot bigger, so I released it as an opensource project
> It's licensed under BSD and not very polished yet, but I think I
> reached a point where it's at least partially usable.
> It should run on most Unixes but it's not compatible with Windows
> (using unix shell).
> IMGCrush (as it's called) tries to save given image (or images, it can
> process directories of images as well)
> with the smallest possible filesize, so it works similarly to pngcrush
> and other png optimizers, with the exception that it can also save to
> GIF, JPG, PNG, and user can specify image quality loss he/she can
> tolerate.
> The way it's used is that the user for instance specfies that he/she
> wants an image with smallest possible size with at least 99% quality
> or the highest quality image with 50% of size of input, etc. (there
> are also other ways to measure quality/size).
> Quality isn't measured in a very "human" way now, which will hopefully
> change in future.
> IMGCrush is also quite slow at the moment, and will probably never be
> fast, but it can be a lot faster than it is now.
> Project is hosted at Launchpad:
> Homepage link:
> Downloads:
> Use at your own risk :-)
> run "imgcrush --help" for usage instructions.
> Criticism/ideas/whatever is welcome.
> -Kiith-Sa
Requires ImageMagick and Python (coded in python 2.x, I'm running 2.6
but it might run on older python as well)
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