The future of Python immutability
Francesco Bochicchio
bieffe62 at
Fri Sep 4 03:40:45 EDT 2009
On Sep 3, 9:07 pm, Nigel Rantor <wig... at> wrote:
> Right, this is where I would love to have had more experience with Haksell.
> Yes, as soon as you get to a situation where no thread can access shared
> state that is mutable your problems go away, you're also getting no work
> done becasue the threads, whilst they may be performing lots of
> interesting calculations have no way of allowing the rest of the
> program, or operating system, know about it.
Threads could communicate only with channels, message queue, or
equivalent. Is what
I do that as much as I can, to avoid the headache of sharing data
between threads. It is
less efficient than the shared data model and adds latency, but ensure
that each thread
is self-contained, making for safer programming and opening the way to
better parallelization.
AFAIK erlang Processes and scala Actors implement a similar model at
language level.
In python, there is kamaelia that implements a similar paradigm,
although it is more concerned
with logical parallelization than with multitheading performance
I believe this kind of paradigms will bring us to the massive
multicore world easier than FP.
Consider that most FP languages have accepted a compromise and become
'unpure' (i.e. have
constructs to change variable in place). Even haskell, the only pure
language I know (sort of), has things like mutable arrays.
All these features expose current FP languages at the same 'shared
resource' risks of imperative one,
although admittedly at a less level. And FP languages have their own
crop of problems - e.g how to deal
efficiently with deep recursion levels, parameters passed by copy,
huge list built in memory (if you use eager evaluation)
or build-up of thunks (if you use lazy evaluation).
But then, I'm just a programmer, so I could be easily wrong :-)
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