possible attribute-oriented class
Jan Kaliszewski
zuo at chopin.edu.pl
Sun Sep 6 19:37:35 EDT 2009
06-09-2009 o 20:20:21 Ethan Furman <ethan at stoneleaf.us> wrote:
> In the dbf module I wrote, I use both the attribute access and the key
> lookup. The attribute access is great for interactive use, and for all
> the routines that play with the tables we have at work, where all the
> field names are indeed known at compile (aka coding) time. On the other
> hand, some routines don't know which fields they'll mucking about with,
> and so the key access is vital for them.
> Of course, I could have done the whole thing using key access, and I did
> have to impose some restrictions on method names so they wouldn't clash
> with possible field names, but I love being able to type
> current_record.full_name == last_record.full_name
> instead of
> current_record['full_name'] == last_record['full_name']
Me too, and I suppose many people too...
The latter:
* makes your code less readable if there is high density of such
* makes typing much more strenuous/irritating -- what is not very
important in case of advanced development (when time of typing is
short in relation to time of thinking/reading/testing) but becomes
quite important in case of scripting (which is still important area
of Python usage).
Jan Kaliszewski (zuo) <zuo at chopin.edu.pl>
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