Using's output and compiling in Windows
peter.milliken at
Thu Sep 10 19:23:29 EDT 2009
On Sep 11, 3:24 am, "Di Biase, Paul A CIV NAVAIR, 4.4"
<paul.dibi... at> wrote:
> No one?
What's wrong with py2exe? You don't have to stop there you know - I
distribute using py2exe and then use Inno Setup to create the Windows
Installer. Works a treat.
Note that if you are using Python 2.6 (not sure about 3.X) you will
need to include the Microsoft Visual C++ Feature Pack Redistributable
(vcredist_x86.exe) otherwise you will get a weird runtime error if the
PC you are installing too doesn't already have Python2.6 installed.
If you look in the py2exe samples/extending directory you will find a that uses InnoSetup - I deleted the manifest stuff because I
couldn't understand it (not a Windows programmer - and proud of
it! :-)). In conjunction with the InnoSetup documentation I got it all
going and have distributed two applications thus far.
py2exe + InnoSetup = good combination! :-)
Hope this helps
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