run exe on different computer
Dave Angel
davea at
Sun Sep 13 19:57:06 EDT 2009
daved170 wrote:
> On Sep 13, 2:17 pm, Dave Angel <da... at> wrote:
>> daved170 wrote:
>>> Hi everybody,
>>> I'm building a small python program that run a service (exe file) on
>>> my servers.
>>> I don't want to use remote desktop and it's siblings.
>>> I would like to have some information on how to run an exe on a
>>> different computer and if there a way to check if that exe is still
>>> alive.
>>> Thanks
>>> Dave
>> On a question like this, you really need to supply much more information
>> on your constraints. You could start by saying these servers are
>> running Windows Server 2003. And that they're on a domain (rather than
>> a workgroup). And that you're trying to access them from another
>> machine within the same local domain, not over the internet. And that
>> your local machine is on the same domain, and has an account with admin
>> privileges for all the desired servers. And that you are allowed to do
>> a one-time install (of something) on each server prior to this
>> particular need. And that each server already has Python version 2.5
>> installed, and the IT department won't allow you to install any later
>> version.
>> Then once you have an environment, you need to specify just what kind of
>> program you want to run on those servers. Is it an EXE program? Or is
>> it Python, with a particular script? Does it really need to be a
>> *service*, which has a particular set of constraints, and should be
>> installed, and started/stopped using the service manager. Do you want
>> this program to restart whenever the servers are restarted?
>> One solution that should work for nearly every Windows topology might be
>> to go to each server, run the scheduler task, and specify a new batch
>> file to be run upon boot. This batch file can check a specified
>> (shared) directory for a python script, and if found, run it. If not
>> found, sleep for 60 seconds or so, then repeat. Note that it's a good
>> idea to put a five minute delay at the very beginning, in case the
>> script needs to be deleted at the next boot. Sometimes a bug requires
>> surgery, and it's good to have enough time to do it.
>> Now, to control those servers from another machine, copy an appropriate
>> script into the prearranged directory. Within a minute, it'll be
>> running, and it can post whatever results it likes in another accessible
>> directory.
>> Whether this is a "safe" thing to do is a separate question. Generally
>> an IT department likes to have some control over just what programs run
>> on their servers, and for good reason.
>> DaveA
> Hi DaveA
> Thanks for your answer. I'll try to clearify myself.
> For now I'm trying to do that on client & server that are win XP. They
> both on the same domain (maybe in the future they'll be runinig on the
> web). I have admin user on both my computers.
> I have both an exe and a python app that I'd like to control from my
> client.
> Insted of logging to my Server I would like to write a python app at
> my client that allows me to control both that exe and my Server-python-
> app. I don't want to use the schedualer because I would like to
> control it from my client.
> I can install whatever I'll like on both of the computers. they are
> mine and I have full access for them.
> I hope I clearify myself and if there are more solutions I'll be happy
> to be noted.
> Thans
> DaveD :)
If you only have those two machines, you aren't on a NT domain, you've
got a workgroup. A Windows domain is hosted by a server OS, and XP can
only be a client on a domain. Without being on an NT domain, security
is much sloppier. In some ways that makes things easier, but you may
hit a brick wall if you need more than one kind of simultaneous access
to another machine.
Is this EXE file you want to run on the server something out of your
control, or could you customize that as well? Because if you can, then
the distinction between that and your server-python program is probably
unimportant. Call the programs you might want to run: X1, X2, X3.
In order to run X1 on that server without opening a console (or remote
desktop, or whatever) on it, you will have to have something else
already running which is willing to be a proxy on your behalf. You then
communicate with that program to tell it what to run, and when. I
suggested a batch file for that program, call it S. It could just as
easily have been a python script, but there's no advantage that I can
see. The idea is to make sure that S is always running (which is why
you put it into the scheduler; it'll be restarted whenever the machine
is booted).
Anyway, the idea is that S is a very lightweight program, and it can
launch any possible Xn. And the only question is how you want the
client to talk to S. If S is a fancier program, you might use sockets,
or whatever, but on a local system, the file system works pretty well.
And a batch file is about as lightweight as you can get; the only
external program it needs is "sleep.exe".
It's quite possible that DCOM (for example) includes something that acts
like S, but when I was working in that field 15 years ago, it was very
messy, and fragile. I favor simpler systems when they're possible. If
you want to pursue this route, check out the Win32 extensions (or just get ActivePython,
which includes them with the usual stuff). See function
CoCreateInstance <pythoncom__CoCreateInstance_meth.html>, which can
launch an OLE Automation Server remotely.
Or you could run SimpleXMLRPCServer on your server (again, from the
scheduler). Once started, it watches for requests over the internet.
Once X1 is running, you probably want to use sockets or something like
that to communicate between your client and X1. At that point, the
overhead isn't as important.
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