Writing a thread-safe class
python at mrabarnett.plus.com
Mon Sep 14 15:06:00 EDT 2009
News123 wrote:
> So what's recommended way for multicore machines?
> Threads will probably only accelerate if the used C libraries are
> releasing the GIL, right?
> What's for example about PIL (Python Imaging library)?
> Assuming, that the C library calls don't releas the GIL
> Shoud I directly use use fork() and some kind of IPC? or are there some
> special well established, recommendable commodity modules aiming for
> rmultiprocessor job distribution?
> So far I have just a single-core machine, but I'll be using a multicore
> machine in the next weeks.
> Then I'll probably find out
Have a look at the multiprocessing module.
> bye
> N
> sturlamolden wrote:
>> On 12 Sep, 15:54, Timothy Madden <terminato... at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I find that hard to believe, but I will look into it.
>> Carl Banks is correct.
>> There is a mutex called "the global interpreter lock" that takes care
>> of this. You can have multiple threads running, but access to the
>> Python interpreter is serialized.
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