Looking for a pure Python chart drawing module
iltchevi at gmail.com
Tue Sep 15 15:25:57 EDT 2009
On Sep 15, 8:25 pm, John Nagle <na... at animats.com> wrote:
> I'm looking for something that can draw simple bar and pie charts
> in Python. I'm trying to find a Python package, not a wrapper for
> some C library, as this has to run on both Windows and Linux
> and version clashes are a problem.
> Here's the list from the Python wiki at
> "http://wiki.python.org/moin/NumericAndScientific/Plotting".
> Almost all the options are really wrappers for some other
> package in C/C++.
> * Matplotlib -- wrapper for Antigrain, written in C/C++
> * Veusz -- requires PyQt fromhttp://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/pyqt, which
> is in C/C++
> * Chaco -- requires binaries for Enthought Tool Suite
> * ScientificPython - uses mix of C, C++, and FORTRAN.
> * Gnuplot module -- wrapper for GNUPLOT
> * plot_wrap - wrapper for GNU plotutils
> * BLT - "tcltk.com" link goes to a domain squatter site.
> * PyQT - wrapper for Qwt C++ library
> * DISLIN - interface to C++ DISLIN system
> * Mayavi - interface to Mayavai2, standalone program
> * gdmodule GD - python wrapper for the GD library.
> * Gist - wrapper for gist graphics library
> * pgplot - Wrapper for pgplot.
> * Py-OpenDX - wrapper for IBM Data Explorer
> * VTK - wrapper for VTK in C++
> * RPy - wrapper for R programming lnaguage
> * PyX - wrapper for Tex.
> * Biggles - wrapper for C++ module
> * Pychart - 100% Python, but last updated 21-Dec-2005.
> * PyNGL - uses PyNIO, which is in C
> * pygooglechart - Python interface to the Google Chart LookinAPI, only works in
> browser
> So, for pure Python, Pychart is it. I'll have to try it and see if it still
> works.
> John Nagle
My choice is PyQWT but few monts before I started pure python tkinter
cartesian plot control:
screenshot: http://www.iltchev.com/tkplot/tkplot.png
source: http://www.iltchev.com/tkplot/tkplot.py.txt
This class is in a very early stage, but I think it is good start. :)
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