VTK install
gib.bogle at gmail.com
Tue Sep 15 18:35:23 EDT 2009
On Sep 16, 12:28 am, Francesco Bochicchio <bieff... at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sep 15, 6:29 am, Gib <gib.bo... at gmail.com> wrote:
> > As part of the MayaVi install, I need to install VTK.
> ...
> > Since VTK appears to be installed, I'm guessing that either the path
> > setting is wrong, or python is not using PYTHONPATH. How can I check
> > that PYTHONPATH is being used?
> The paths in PYTHONPATH should show un sys.path python variable. So
> just do from a
> python prompt "import sys; sys.path" and check if the VTK directories
> are listed.
> You colòud aslo tentatively append your path to sys.path and then try
> again import vtk
> to see if it is a path problem or something else ...
> Ciao
> ----
> FB
Interesting. sys.path includes this path:
'C:\\Documents and Settings\\mbog002.EC\\ C:\\Program Files\\VTK\\lib\
The first part is what I set the environment variable HOME to (as per
Enthought instructions), the second part is the VTK path. Apparently
the specified VTK path is being made relative to HOME - clearly
inconsistent with the installation instructions.
I solved the problem by editing PYTHONPATH in the registry.
Definitely a trap for Windows users.
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