Looking for a pure Python chart drawing module
gerlast2 at yahoo.it.togli.invalid
Tue Sep 15 19:33:24 EDT 2009
John Nagle ha scritto:
> I'm looking for something that can draw simple bar and pie charts
> in Python. I'm trying to find a Python package, not a wrapper for
> some C library, as this has to run on both Windows and Linux
> and version clashes are a problem.
Did you look at matplotlib? In their examples page there are some charts
like the ones you asked for. I guess it could work for you, and it seems to
work flawlessy in MS Windows as in gnu/linux.
"Solo lo scienziato è vero poeta: ci dà la luna, ci promette le stelle,
ci farà un nuovo universo se sarà il caso."
< http://gerlos.altervista.org >
gerlos +- - - > gnu/linux registred user #311588
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