detmining name during an assignment
Jamie Riotto
jamie.riotto at
Fri Sep 18 18:57:41 EDT 2009
On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 1:10 PM, Gabriel Genellina
<gagsl-py2 at> wrote:
> En Fri, 18 Sep 2009 14:38:08 -0300, Christian Heimes <lists at>
> escribió:
>> Jamie Riotto schrieb:
>>> I have an app that uses Python scripting. When a user creates a new
>>> object:
>>> objName = newObject()
>>> I'd like the newObject be able to use objName as its internal name.
>> As the others already explained to you there is no way to archive your
>> goal with an assignment to a local or global variable. But you can
>> follow a different approach:
>> class Scene(object):
>> def __setattr__(self, name, value):
>> super(Scene, self).__setattr__(name value)
>> if isinstance(value, SceneObject):
>> = name
>> value.scene = self
>> class SceneObject(object):
>> pass
>> class Cube(SceneObject):
>> pass
>> scene = Scene()
>> scene.cube1 = Cube()
> As the OP said it's being used for scripting some application, presumably
> the application can control the environment on which the script is run. One
> may use the Scene class above as the globlal scope when executing the
> script:
> scene = Scene()
> code = "cube1 = Cube(); print"
> exec code in Scene
> (well, not exactly, Scene should inherit from dict and override __setitem__
> instead, but you get the idea)
> --
> Gabriel Genellina
> --
Thanks for the detailed clarifications and suggestions. I understand
the problem a lot better now.
However, I'll have to keep looking for a more elegant solution.
Telling a user that typing:
cube1 = Cube(name = cube1) is a good thing because its pythonic is
somehow unsatisfying.
Also, in the last suggestion about execution the script in the Scene
Handler global scope, well thats
exactly what I do, and yes, cube1=Cube, print works great.
The issue is say perhaps that
cube then collides with something called sphere1. How does cube1 know
that it hit "sphere1" and not
just a sphere object. Since I can execute the scripts one line at a
time, I suppose I could search dictionaries
for new names pointing to the same object after every execution, but Yuck.
Perhaps the best approach is a preprossesor that looks for lines of
the form "name = class()" and adds in the
class(name = name) behind the scenes. Thanks again - jamie
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