Can anyone reproduce this crash?

MRAB python at
Fri Apr 16 07:29:51 EDT 2010

Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
> Python 3.1.1 in Windows XP Prof:
> <code filename="" language="Py3">
> def number_from_user( prompt ):
>     while True:
>         spec = input( prompt )
>         try:
>             return float( spec )
>         except ValueError:
>             s = "Sorry, '{}' is not a valid number spec. Try e.g. '3.14'."
>             print( s.format( spec ) )
>             print()
> print( "This program computes the sum of two numbers A and B." )
> print()
> a = number_from_user( "Number A, please: " )
> b = number_from_user( "Number B, please: " )
> sum = a + b
> print()
> print( "{} + {} = {}".format( a, b, sum ) )
> </code>
> To be thorough I tested the reaction to typing [Ctrl C] at the first 
> prompt. It then displayed the first part of traceback output,
> <output part="1">
> C:\Documents and Settings\Alf>
> This program computes the sum of two numbers A and B.
> Number A, please: Traceback (most recent call last):
> </output>
> and seemingly hung for, I don't know, 20 seconds?, whereupon Microsoft's 
> "Please tell Bill Gates about it" box popped up; the interpreter had 
> crashed.
> Regretfully declining the offer to tell Bill Gates, and this I don't 
> quite understand, possibly buffer thing?, one more line of output then 
> appeared:
> <output part="2">
>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Alf\", line 13, in <module>
> C:\Documents and Settings\Alf> _
> </output>
> In a normal traceback there are four more lines.
> I thought I'd report this so I tried it several times more but unable to 
> reproduce: instead of above hang + crash + truncated traceback the 
> complete expected traceback appeared and the program terminated properly.
> Can anyone reproduce?
I also have Python 3.1.1 on Windows XP Professional, but it doesn't
crash for me!

Does it happen every time?

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