problems creating and adding class instances to a list:

Robert Somerville rsomerville at
Mon Apr 19 17:21:04 EDT 2010

I am trying to create a list of consisting of multiple instances of the 
same class, The Problems i am having is that i seem to be accessing the 
same memory.. How should i solve this Python problem ?

Here is some sample code demonstraing my problem (same memory) :
from copy import copy as cp

class ctest():
    x = int
    y = [1,2,3]

def return_class(i):
    d = ctest()
    d.y[1] = i*10
    return (d)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    c_list= []
    print 'len-a =',len(c_list)
    for i in range(5):
        e = cp(return_class(i))
        print 'i= ',i,c_list[i].y[1]
        if ( i > 0):
            print 'i-1= ',i-1,c_list[i-1].y[1]           
    print 'len = ' , len(c_list)       
    for i in range(5):
        print 'i= ',i,c_list[i].y[1]

here is the output demonstrating that i am addressing the same memory:

rsomerville at galena:~/workspace/CSIRO_gui/trunk/src$ python
len-a = 1
i=  0 0
i=  1 10
i-1=  0 10
i=  2 20
i-1=  1 20
i=  3 30
i-1=  2 30
i=  4 40
i-1=  3 40
len =  6
i=  0 40
i=  1 40
i=  2 40
i=  3 40
i=  4 40

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