FW: help req debugging

sanam singh sanamsingh at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 23 06:25:32 EDT 2010

i am using wingware to debug python.however i also want to debug my c modules which have been called in my python script simultaneously. so i have followed instructions given on http://www.wingware.com/doc/howtos/debugging-extension-modules-on-linux .
as a result i launch my python script in wingide and successfully attach it to gdb.when i debug my python code i get following in gdb :
[New Thread 0xa62eab90 (LWP 3957)]
[New Thread 0xa5ae9b90 (LWP 3958)]
[New Thread 0xa52e8b90 (LWP 3959)]
[New Thread 0xa4ae7b90 (LWP 3960)]
[New Thread 0xa42e6b90 (LWP 3961)]
[New Thread 0xa3ae5b90 (LWP 3962)]
[New Thread 0xa32e4b90 (LWP 3963)]

but the problem is that when in wingide the c module is called gdb doesnt take me into the respective c module.
i am new to gdb please help me where am i going wrong?
Thanks in advance.

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