Need help with basic DOM XML tree traversing

Barak, Ron Ron.Barak at
Sun Apr 25 11:06:01 EDT 2010


This is my first try at XML with Python, and though I tried to read on the web, I'm unable to traverse a DOM tree, as my top element seems to be DOCUMENT_NODE and I cannot find a way to get to the nodes below it.

Below is a sample data, script and execution.

Could you point to where I'm doing wrong ?



$ python -u
node: <xml.dom.minidom.DocumentType instance at 0x00DE25A8>
dom2.nodeType: 9
dom2.nodeName: #document
node is DOCUMENT_NODE: <xml.dom.minidom.DocumentType instance at 0x00DE25A8>
node: <DOM Element: database at 0xde2698>
dom2.nodeType: 9
dom2.nodeName: #document
node is DOCUMENT_NODE: <DOM Element: database at 0xde2698>
('dom2._get_childNodes():', [<xml.dom.minidom.DocumentType instance at 0x00DE25A8>, <DOM Element: database at 0xde2698>])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 26, in <module>
AttributeError: 'NodeList' object has no attribute '_get_childNodes'

$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python

from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString

xml_file_path ='example.xml'
in_xml = open(xml_file_path)
tmp =
doctype_loc = tmp.rfind("<!DOCTYPE")
open_squere_par_loc = tmp.find("[",doctype_loc)
first_part = tmp[:open_squere_par_loc + 1]
close_squere_par_loc = tmp.find("]>",doctype_loc)
last_part = tmp[close_squere_par_loc:]
xml_string = "%s%s" % (first_part, last_part)
dom2 = parseString(xml_string)

for node in dom2.childNodes:
    print "node:",node
    print "dom2.nodeType:",dom2.nodeType
    print "dom2.nodeName:",dom2.nodeName
    if dom2.nodeType == dom2.ELEMENT_NODE:
        print "node is ELEMENT_NODE:",node
    elif dom2.nodeType == dom2.DOCUMENT_NODE:
        print "node is DOCUMENT_NODE:",node
child_nodes = dom2._get_childNodes()

$ cat example.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE database [
<!ELEMENT database (DbPortCharacteristic*, DbDpmPersonality*, DbHostMode*, DbGlobalSettings*, DbSimulatedDisk*, DbUserPermission*, DbUser*, DbUserSession*, DbUserGroup*, DbLicenseKey*, DbObjectBase*, DbFolderQueryMetadata*, DbFolder*, DbVDevAccessPermissions*, DbApplicationType*, DbPReserve*, DbVDevAgentBroadcastMsg*, DbVDev*, DbConsistencyGroup*, DbVolume*, DbPit*, DbView*, DbStripeSegment*, DbPool*, DbStripe*, DbScsiAddress*, DbDisk*, DbHbaAccessPath*, DbHba*, DbSubnodeGroupInfo*, DbSubnodeGroup*, DbHbaGroup*, DbPrRequest*, DbDomain*, DbSvmInfo*, DbPermTemplate*, DbPersonality*, DbMessageGroup*, DbJobBase*, DbMmJob*, DbMmRJob*, DbMcJob*, DbMcRJob*, DbGroupBase*, DbMmGroup*, DbMmRGroup*, DbMcGroup*, DbMcRGroup*, DbLoadBalanceNode*, DbBrokenMmJobInfo*, DbSmGroup*, DbSmJob*, DbDestVolInfo*, DbJobDestPermission*, DbVSSSnapshotSet*, DbVSSSnapshot*, DbPoolAlertData*)>
<!ELEMENT DbPortCharacteristic (m_id, m_PortAddress, m_PortNumber, m_MtuActive, m_MtuSupported, m_SpeedCurrent, m_SpeedMax, m_ScsiRoleInfo, m_FCPortTypeInfo, m_InterfaceProtocolType, m_PortStatus, m_HbaGroup)>
 <DbPortCharacteristic id="9429">
  <m_HbaGroup><ref id="8967"/></m_HbaGroup>

$ python -V
Python 2.6.4

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