off topic but please forgive me me and answer

Steve Holden steve at
Sat Apr 3 10:43:25 EDT 2010

superpollo wrote:
> Steve Holden ha scritto:
>> If he agrees to that, then get him to agree that x * 1 == x for any x.
>> If he agrees to that
> he does not, since "you cannot multiply something, and not getting some
> more of it" ... he is stuck with the latin etimology of "multiply"
> ("multiplicare" means "increase quantity", like in the fish and bread
> miracle)
Ah, so he's talking semantics, not mathematics. Absolutely no point
expecting agreement on a common sense basis, then. Particularly when he
takes such a narrow-minded view.

In short, he has his head up his ass.

Would he agree that two halves make a whole? If so, he appears to deny
the commutativity of multiplication. Such people are amusing for the
first ten minutes, but I am sure he has managed to bore everyone to
death by now.

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010
Holden Web LLC       

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