python as pen and paper substitute
Ethan Furman
ethan at
Tue Apr 6 21:28:02 EDT 2010
Manuel Graune wrote:
> Manuel Graune <manuel.graune at> writes:
>> The use-case is acually fairly simple. The point is to use a python
>> source-file as subsitute for scrap-paper (with the opportunity to
>> edit what is already written and without illegible handwriting).
>> The output should 1) show manually selected python code and comments
>> (whatever I think is important), 2) show selected results (final and
>> intermediate) and 3) *not* show python code that for someone only
>> interested in the calculation and the results (and probably not
>> knowing python) would just be "noise" (e. g. "import"-statements,
>> actual "print()"-functions, etc.).
How about a decorator that turns your function into an object with the
results? Your code would then look like this:
#! /usr/bin/python3
from sp import ScratchPad
from math import pi as PI
def code1():
d1= 3.0
A1= d1**2 * PI / 4.0
print("Area of Circle 1:\t", code1.A1)
def code2():
d2= 5.0
A2= d2**2 * PI / 4.0
print("Area of Circle 2:\t", code2.A2)
Sum_Of_Areas= code1.A1 + code2.A2
print("Sum of areas:\t", Sum_Of_Areas)
and the printout like so:
Python 3.1 (r31:73574, Jun 26 2009, 20:21:35) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sp_test
d1= 3.0
A1= d1**2 * PI / 4.0
Area of Circle 1: 7.06858347058
d2= 5.0
A2= d2**2 * PI / 4.0
Area of Circle 2: 19.6349540849
Sum of areas: 26.7035375555
Here's the code for the decorator:
import inspect
class PropertyObj():
"""lookup using . notation"""
def ScratchPad(func):
source = inspect.getsourcelines(func)[0][2:]
lead_space = 0
for char in source[0]:
if char == ' ':
lead_space += 1
source = ''.join([line[lead_space:] for line in source])
print('\n' + source)
intermed_result = {}
final_result = PropertyObj()
exec(source, func.__globals__, intermed_result)
for key, value in intermed_result.items():
setattr(final_result, key, value)
return final_result
Hope this helps!
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