regular expressions
Tim Chase
python.list at
Thu Apr 15 14:39:53 EDT 2010
On 04/15/2010 11:05 AM, Terry Reedy wrote:
> On 4/15/2010 2:57 AM, chaaana wrote:
>> hi..
>> im parsing the text file containing the details of the testcases
>> failed.From the file i wanted to obtain only the testcase names and
>> enter them in the excel sheet.
>> the pattern of the text file is:
>> FILE : NW_PTH_TFG6_SCEN_4_2_FIFO.c, LINE : 240 TEST FAIL to get entire:
>> 32768 bytes
>> TEST FAIL SYSCALL_TEST_SCEN_4_1_ALL.c at line 355
>> FILE:US_TFG7_SCEN_4_1.c,LINE:189, Server side TEST FAIL
>> FAIL BREW_SCEN_4_1.c 219: can't mount
>> FAIL BREW_SCEN_4_1.c 121: can't umount
>> << BREW_SCEN_4_1.c TEST FAIL errno:No such file or directory>>
>> << BREW_SCEN_4_1.c TEST FAIL>> error:Invalid argument
> I do not see any consistent pattern in the above lines.
> What output do you see from filtering them?
My guess is that it's the "FILE:...LINE:..." line(s) that the OP
is interested in, in which case one could do something like
r = re.compile(r'^FILE\s*:\s*(.*?),\s*LINE\s*:\s*(\d+)')
for line in file('input.txt'):
m = r.match(line)
if m:
Alternatively, if you're in the regexp-avoiding camp, you might
be able to get away with
LINE_BIT = ', LINE : '
for line in file('input.txt'):
if line.startswith('FILE :') and LINE_BIT in line:
leader, _ = line.split(LINE_BIT, 1)
_, fname = leader.split(":", 1)
fname = fname.strip()
print repr(fname)
but that relies on the LINE_BIT remaining constant (the
"LINE:189" doesn't have spaces where the first "LINE : 240" does
have extra spaces; and the same with the extra spaces around the
"FILE" portion).
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