[pylint] why pylint wants only capitals identifiers?

Giacomo Boffi giacomo.boffi at polimi.it
Mon Apr 19 11:48:36 EDT 2010

Giacomo Boffi <giacomo.boffi at polimi.it> writes:

>> However, given you example, you should not insert code execution at
>> you module level, unless it's required only at the module import. I
>> dont know what is your module
> module? this was not well specified in my OP, but i'd rather speak of
> a "script" instead of a module...
> maybe should i use the
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>     main()
> idiom to keep happy my pylint? oh, let's do it... it should be easy
> isn't it?

well, it's not so easy... pylint complains (correctly) about too many
local variables in main(), and about other things for different
adjustments i tried

i think i will put some variable at top level, CAPITALIZED, with the
intention of making evident that those values are the data of the
problem, as well as other quantities that are computed once from base
data, and then use these capitalized global variables inside my main
function --- tonight, at home

thank you again,
l'amore e' un sentimento a senso unico. a volte una via comincia dove
finisce un'altra e viceversa                       -- Caldana, in IFQ

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