python glibc crypt() function
Дамјан Георгиевски
gdamjan at
Tue Apr 20 17:26:03 EDT 2010
>> Hello i have to do this :
>> glibc crypt() function, using salt $1$abcdefgh$
>> cryptPw = crypt(plainPw, "$1$abcdefgh$")
>> I can do it in python, with package i need?
>> Thanks
>>>> import ctypes
>>>> lib = ctypes.CDLL("")
>>>> crypt = lib.crypt
>>>> crypt.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
>>>> crypt("password", "$1$abcdefgh$")
> '$1$abcdefgh$G//4keteveJp0qb8z2DxG/'
> Is that what it's supposed to return?
seeing this I thought about using ctypes for AES (or similar) crypto
function. A bit of google searching I've come to
just FYI
дамјан ((( )))
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