Write web apps in Python?
bryanjugglercryptographer at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 21 14:37:11 EDT 2010
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
> Bryan a écrit :
> > Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
> >> Nope. I want to keep all my settings parsed, my librairies loaded, all
> >> my connections opened etc. That is, all the time consuming stuff at app
> >> startup - which, with PHP, mostly happens for each and every request.
> > O.K. I wasn't clear on your objection. As I said the first time, I
> > think you've gotten some bad info on PHP.
> Well, I have to admit I've only used it professionnaly for the past 6
> years or so, so my knowledge may be a bit lacking...
Competent PHP developers know how to cache libraries and various
connections and configurations. If that's been a stumbling point if
your own work, well, again, Google is your friend.
> >> Many large, sopĥisticated etc applications are written in C. Does that
> >> make C a practical application programming language ?
> > It's at least a strong clue.
> Oh, yes ? Then why don't you use C for web programming ?-)
Did you forget what you argued? Had you said that PHP is impractical
for writing operating systems, I would have silently agreed. You wrote
the howler: "The PHP execution model (mostly based on CGI FWIW) tends
to be a bit unpractical for non-trivial applications".
PHP *rocks* for serious web apps. PHP is specifically designed for web
apps. PHP became a major-league programming language *soley* on its
strength and success in building web apps. Popular as PHP is, it
"tends to be a bit unpractical" for anything but web apps.
'Round here we love Python. I prefer Python to Perl or PHP even in
those languages' particular areas of specialization. Advocating for
Python does not require spreading myths about PHP.
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