a.extend(b) better than a+=b ?
Steven D'Aprano
steven at REMOVE.THIS.cybersource.com.au
Thu Apr 22 05:10:36 EDT 2010
On Thu, 22 Apr 2010 09:31:12 +0200, candide wrote:
> Alf P. Steinbach a écrit :
>> * candide:
>>> Suppose a and b are lists.
>>> What is more efficient in order to extend the list a by appending all
>>> the items in the list b ?
>>> I imagine a.extend(b)to be more efficient for only appendinding the
>>> items from b while a+=b creates a copy of a before appending, right ?
>> No.
>> But in general, if you're concerned about efficiency, *measure*.
> But my question refers to memory management rather than to time
> execution. Imagine foo is a big size list and bar is a small one. It
> would be a waste of memory to copy list foo somewhere in memory before
> appending the items in bar.
Yes, unfortunately measuring Python's memory use from within Python is
not easy... however the fact that += and extend take approximately the
same time suggests that they are doing approximately the same amount of
work, and therefore it's unlikely that one is radically more wasteful of
memory than the other.
Keep in mind that since Python uses duck-typing, you may not necessarily
be dealing with actual built-in lists, but some other list-like object.
If you're programming a library, and don't control your input, any
conclusion you draw about lists may not apply in practice. If somebody
provides you a sequence like this, what are you going to do?
class StupidList(list):
def extend(self, other):
new = []
for item in self:
new = new[:] + item
for item in other:
new = new[:] + item
return new
def __iadd__(self, other):
return self
You can't defend against the caller doing something stupid, so it's not
worth spending too much effort trying.
In general the warnings against premature optimization apply just as
strongly against memory optimizations as against speed optimizations.
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