Linux servers, network and file names
puntabluda at
Fri Apr 23 04:09:17 EDT 2010
Infinity77 wrote:
> Hi All,
> I apologize in advance if this sounds like a stupid question but I am
> really no expert at all in network things, and I may be looking in the
> wrong direction altogether.
> At work we have a bunch of Linux servers, and we can connect to them
> with our Windows PCs over a network. Now, let's assume we only have
> one Linux server, let's call it SERVER. Everyone of us, on our Windows
> PC, can map this server as a network drive choosing whatever Windows
> "drive letter" he wants. For example, I could map SERVER to be "Y:/",
> my colleague might call it "Z:/" and so on.
> The problem arises in one of my little applications, which allows the
> user to choose a file living in SERVER and do some calculations with
> it; then, this file name gets saved in a common database (common in
> the sense that it is shared between Windows users, ourselves). Now, I
> choose this file myself, the FileDialog (a window representing a file
> selector dialog) will return something like this (let's ignore the
> back/forward slashes, this is not an issue):
> Y:/Folder/FileName.txt
> If my colleague does it, he will get:
> Z:/Folder/FileName.txt
> Even if I am able to work out the server name using the Windows drive
> letter (and I was able to do it, now I don't remember anymore how to
> do it), what I get is:
> For me: //SERVER/gavana/Folder/FileName.txt
> Colleague: //SERVER/Colleague/Folder/FileName.txt
> So, no matter what I do, the file name stored in the database is user-
> dependent and not universal and common to all of us.
> Am I missing something fundamental? I appreciate any suggestion, even
> a Windows-only solution (i.e., based on PyWin32) would be perfect.
> Thank you in advance for your help.
> Andrea.
why don't you store servers path to file in a database?
this way you can use python to list files in share without the need for
mapping drives, if permissions are set correctly.
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