function name
Alf P. Steinbach
alfps at
Wed Apr 28 15:20:55 EDT 2010
* Richard Lamboj:
> is there any way to get the name from the actual called function, so that the
> function knows its own name?
There was an earlier thread about this not very long ago.
General consensus, as I recall, to replace function with an object of a class
(possibly with __call__ method if it is to be function-like, "functor").
An alternative is to treat the function itself as an object. I posted code for a
decorator to help do that. Of course today I deleted that code (I just use a
single '' file for various examples), but you may find it by Googling;
however, I recommend the consensus view of "real" object.
A third way, even less desirable IMVHO, might be to use introinspection.
Let's see, ... reusing that '' file again ...
<code file="">
import inspect
def foo():
frame = inspect.currentframe()
info = inspect.getframeinfo( frame )
print( info )
Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: can't initialize sys standard streams
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\cpython\python31\lib\encodings\", line 31,
in <module>
import codecs
File "C:\Program Files\cpython\python31\lib\", line 8, in <module>
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
Oh my, I crashed the Python interpreter! This is my third time stumbling upon a
crash-the-interpreter bug in CPython 3.x. I think I'm good at crashing things.
But OK, let's see. Well. Hm.
<code file="">
import inspect
def foo():
frame = None; info = None; s = None;
frame = inspect.currentframe()
info = inspect.getframeinfo( frame )
s = "Pleased to meet you, I was originally called '{}'!".format(
info.function )
print( s )
bar = foo
del foo
Pleased to meet you, I was originally called 'foo'!
But as mentioned, I'd personally choose a "real" object instead of a bare function.
Cheers & hth.,
- Alf
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