CGI python 3 write RAW BINARY

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at
Wed Apr 28 19:45:59 EDT 2010

Le Wed, 28 Apr 2010 23:54:07 +0200, Dodo a écrit :

> Help! this is driving me crazy lol
> I want to print raw binary data to display an image file BUT
> python3 outputs b'<binary data>' instead of <binary data>.... so the
> browser can't read the image!!
>   f = open("/some/path/%s" % x, 'rb')
>   print(

print() implicitly converts its arguments to str (i.e. unicode strings) 
and then writes them to sys.stdout, which is a text IO wrapper.
If you want to bypass the unicode layer, you have to use 
sys.stdout.buffer instead.
That is:




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