A new syntax for writing tests
Jonathan Fine
jfine at pytex.org
Wed Aug 4 16:15:33 EDT 2010
I just discovered today a new syntax for writing tests. The basic idea
is to write a function that contains some statements, and run it via a
decorator. I wonder if anyone had seen this pattern before, and how you
feel about it. For myself, I quite like it.
Let's suppose we want to test this trivial (of course) class.
class Adder(object):
def __init__(self):
self.value = 0
def plus(self, delta):
self.value += delta
The test the class you need a runner. In this case it is quite simple.
def runner(script, expect):
'''Create an adder, run script, expect value.'''
adder = Adder()
return adder.value
We can now create (and run if we wish) a test. To do this we write
@testit(runner, 4)
def whatever(a):
'''Two plus two is four.'''
Depending on the exact value of the testit decorator (which in the end
is up to you) we can store the test, or execute it immediately, or do
something else.
The simplest implementation prints:
OK: Two plus two is four.
for this passing test, and
Fail: Two plus four is five.
expect 5
actual 6
for a test that fails.
Here is the testit decorator used to produce the above output:
def testit(runner, expect):
'''Test statements decorator.'''
def next(script):
actual = runner(script, expect)
if actual == expect:
print 'OK:', script.__doc__
print 'Fail:', script.__doc__
print ' expect', expect
print ' actual', actual
return next
You can pick this code, for at least the next 30 days, at
For me the key benefit is that writing the test is really easy. Here's
a test I wrote earlier today.
@testit(runner, '''<a att="value"><b/></a>''')
def whatever(tb):
tb.start('a', {'att': 'value'})
If the test has a set-up and tear-down, this can be handled in the
runner, as can the test script raising an expected or unexpected exception.
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