GUI automation tool (windows)

CM cmpython at
Wed Aug 11 15:36:49 EDT 2010

On Aug 9, 8:10 am, Alex Barna < at> wrote:
> I know that this question has been asked for several times, but it
> surprises that there is no tool under very active development and the
> community activities are very low (mailing list posts).
> All the tools listed in:
> Comparing with AutoIt (, it has tens to hundreds
> of posts everyday. AutoIt uses a proprietary BASIC -like language, and
> to be honest, I don't like it and I prefer a Pythonic solution.
> pywinauto seems to be the best choice but the community has been very
> low also. The same happens in pyguiunit, pyAA, WATSUP, all development
> seem to be ceased.
> So what happens to this field (Windows GUI automation) ?

This is a little late, but you might want to check out Sikuli.  Search
for it in
this forum, there is a long thread about it.  It might be a new useful
way to
write GUI tests.  I have no real idea, though.


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