easy question on parsing python: "is not None"

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Fri Aug 13 01:12:10 EDT 2010

On 8/12/2010 10:52 PM, Matt Schinckel wrote:

>>>> a = "hello"
>>>> b = "hello"
>>>> a is b
> True
> Ooh, that looks dangerous.

Only for mutable objects

> Are they the same object?


>>>> a += "o"

This is equivalent to a = a+"o". The expression creates a new object. 
The assignment binds the object to name 'a'.

 > (Python does not make two copies of small strings until it needs to).

Python never copies *any* object until you ask it to. It never made a 
copy of the original 'a' here either. It combined the values of two 
string objects to make a new string object with a new value.

Terry Jan Reedy

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