Declare self.cursor
Dani Valverde
dani.valverde at
Tue Aug 24 13:15:11 EDT 2010
I am working on a GUI to connect to a MySQL database using MySQLdb (code
in attached file). I define the cursor in lines 55-66 in the OnLogin
function within the LoginDlg class.
/db= MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user=Username , passwd=pwd,
self.cursor = db.cursor()/
When I try to use the cursor on another part of the code (EditUser
class, line 176)
/sql = 'select substring_index(CURRENT_USER(),"@",1)'
I get this error:
/AttributeError: 'LoginDlg' object has no attribute 'cursor'/
You can check the code for details, I think is better.
Daniel Valverde Saubí
c/Joan Maragall 37 4 2
17002 Girona
Telèfon mòbil: +34651987662
e-mail: dani.valverde at
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