Python2.4 on ARM-Linux "import time module fails"

Ajeet Yadav ajeet.yadav.77 at
Wed Aug 25 10:25:38 EDT 2010

I cross-compiled Python2.4 for ARM (Linux 2.6.30) in order to run
autotest-client-xxx on my ARM target.
When I run autotest on ARM target I get "ImportError: No module named time"

Which package I need to install to add support for time module.

# bin/autotest samples/filesystem

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bin/autotest", line 6, in ?
    import common
  File "/dtv/usb/sda1/autotest-client-0.12.0-dirty/bin/", line 8,
in ?
  File "/dtv/usb/sda1/autotest-client-0.12.0-dirty/", line
139, in setup
  File "/dtv/usb/sda1/autotest-client-0.12.0-dirty/", line
103, in _monkeypatch_logging_handle_error
    import logging
  File "/dtv/usb/sda1/Python-2.4/Lib/logging/", line 29, in ?
    import sys, os, types, time, string, cStringIO
ImportError: No module named time

With Regards
Ajeet Yadav
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