A new syntax for writing tests
Jean-Michel Pichavant
jeanmichel at sequans.com
Thu Aug 5 09:52:24 EDT 2010
jfine wrote:
> On 5 Aug, 10:17, Jean-Michel Pichavant <jeanmic... at sequans.com> wrote:
>> Jonathan Fine wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I just discovered today anewsyntaxfor writing tests. The basic
>>> idea is to write a function that contains some statements, and run it
>>> via a decorator. I wonder if anyone had seen this pattern before, and
>>> how you feel about it. For myself, I quite like it.
>>> Let's suppose we want to test this trivial (of course) class.
>>> class Adder(object):
>>> def __init__(self):
>>> self.value = 0
>>> def plus(self, delta):
>>> self.value += delta
>>> The test the class you need a runner. In this case it is quite simple.
>>> def runner(script, expect):
>>> '''Create an adder, run script, expect value.'''
>>> adder = Adder()
>>> script(adder)
>>> return adder.value
>>> We can now create (and run if we wish) a test. To do this we write
>>> @testit(runner, 4)
>>> def whatever(a):
>>> '''Two plus two is four.'''
>>> a.plus(2)
>>> a.plus(2)
>>> Depending on the exact value of the testit decorator (which in the end
>>> is up to you) we can store the test, or execute it immediately, or do
>>> something else.
>>> The simplest implementation prints:
>>> OK: Two plus two is four.
>>> for this passing test, and
>>> Fail: Two plus four is five.
>>> expect 5
>>> actual 6
>>> for a test that fails.
>>> Here is the testit decorator used to produce the above output:
>>> def testit(runner, expect):
>>> '''Test statements decorator.'''
>>> def next(script):
>>> actual = runner(script, expect)
>>> if actual == expect:
>>> print 'OK:', script.__doc__
>>> else:
>>> print 'Fail:', script.__doc__
>>> print ' expect', expect
>>> print ' actual', actual
>>> return next
>>> You can pick this code, for at least the next 30 days, at
>>> http://dpaste.com/hold/225056/
>>> For me the key benefit is that writing the test is really easy.
>>> Here's a test I wrote earlier today.
>>> @testit(runner, '''<a att="value"><b/></a>''')
>>> def whatever(tb):
>>> tb.start('a', {'att': 'value'})
>>> tb.start('b')
>>> tb.end('b')
>>> tb.end('a')
>>> If the test has a set-up and tear-down, this can be handled in the
>>> runner, as can the test script raising an expected or unexpected
>>> exception.
>> Hi,
>> "The unittest module provides a rich set of tools for constructing and
>> running tests. This section demonstrates that a small subset of the
>> tools suffice to meet the needs of most users."
>> sourcehttp://docs.python.org/library/unittest.html
>> As you can see, a much more featured test framework already exists.
>> There's nothing wrong in anewtest framework, but it has to be better
>> than the existing one in some situations.
> Chalk and cheese.
> My concern is to make tests easy to write, and that is something that
> unittest is, in my view, not good at. It is, as you say, a *test
> framework*.
> I've not written a test framework. I've found what seems to be a new
> *syntax* for writing tests. Tests written in the new syntax can be
> run in the unittest (or any other) framework.
> --
> Jonathan
Well, I never used unittest, but the given example in the doc is pretty
much simple.
I'm still scratching my head.
PS : I think your usage of 'syntax' is inapropriate.
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