Replace and inserting strings within .txt files with the use of regex
Thomas Jollans
thomas at
Sun Aug 8 10:59:34 EDT 2010
On 08/08/2010 04:06 PM, Νίκος wrote:
> On 8 Αύγ, 15:40, Thomas Jollans <tho... at> wrote:
>> On 08/08/2010 01:41 PM, Νίκος wrote:
>>> I was so dizzy and confused yesterday that i forgot to metnion that
>>> not only i need removal of php openign and closing tags but whaevers
>>> data lurks inside those tags as well ebcause now with the ''
>>> script i wrote the html fiels would open ftm there and substitute the
>>> tempalte variabels like %(counter)d
>> I could just hand you a solution, but I'll be a bit of a bastard and
>> just give you some hints.
>> You could use regular expressions. If you know regular expressions, it's
>> relatively trivial - but I doubt you know regexp.
> Here is the code with some try-and-fail modification i made, still non-
> working based on your hints:
> ==========================================================
> id = 0 # unique page_id
> for currdir, files, dirs in os.walk('varsa'):
> for f in files:
> if f.endswith('php'):
> # get abs path to filename
> src_f = join(currdir, f)
> # open php src file
> print 'reading from %s' % src_f
> f = open(src_f, 'r')
> src_data = # read contents of PHP file
> f.close()
> # replace tags
> print 'replacing php tags and contents within'
> src_data = src_data.replace(r'<?.?>', '') #
> the dot matches any character i hope! no matter how many of them?!?
Two problems here:
str.replace doesn't use regular expressions. You'll have to use the re
module to use regexps. (the re.sub function to be precise)
'.' matches a single character. Any character, but only one.
'.*' matches as many characters as possible. This is not what you want,
since it will match everything between the *first* <? and the *last* ?>.
You want non-greedy matching.
'.*?' is the same thing, without the greed.
> # add ID
> print 'adding unique page_id'
> src_data = ( '<!-- %d -->' % id ) + src_data
> id += 1
> # add template variables
> print 'adding counter template variable'
> src_data = src_data + ''' <h4><font color=green> Αριθμός
> Επισκεπτών: %(counter)d </font></h4> '''
> # i can think of this but the above line must be above </
> body></html> NOT after but how to right that?!?
You will have to find the </body> tag before inserting the string.
str.find should help -- or you could use str.replace and replace the
</body> tag with you counter line, plus a new </body>.
> # rename old php file to new with .html extension
> src_file = src_file.replace('.php', '.html')
> # open newly created html file for inserting data
> print 'writing to %s' % dest_f
> dest_f = open(src_f, 'w')
> dest_f.write(src_data) # write contents
> dest_f.close()
> This is the best i can do.
No it's not. You're just giving up too soon.
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