mysqldb - parameter issue
badouglas at
Wed Aug 11 13:29:29 EDT 2010
hey dennis...
umm.. given that i'm building the ins var/string to insert into the
execute... i can't just place the triple quotes around it..
are you saying that the execute should have quotes placed around it
within the execute
so it would be something like
or are you saying that within python i can just extend the line for
the "sel" on multiple lines..
as to the err.
i'm getting a " >>> Warning: Data truncated for column
it appears that if i place the >>from_unixtime(%s) << at the end of
the paramaters, then everything works.. but if i place it within the
"%s" block.. the error is generated.
I'm assuming there's some way to wrap the from_unixtime(%s) so it
could be used as
%s,%s,%s, from_unixtime(%s), %s, %s,...
in checking the docs/spec.. i didn't see anything that discussed this...
> ins = """insert into functionError_TBL
> (errorStatus, CollegeID, processTime)
> values (%s, %s, from_unixtime(%s) )"""
On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 9:53 AM, Dennis Lee Bieber
<wlfraed at> wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Aug 2010 08:08:21 -0700, bruce <badouglas at>
> declaimed the following in gmane.comp.python.general:
>> tlist= [(1, 1, 1281502771)]
>> ins="insert into functionError_TBL "
>> ins=ins+"(errorStatus, CollegeID, processTime)"
>> ins=ins+" values "
>> ins=ins+" (%s,%s, from_unixtime(%s))"
> Without examining the rest of the problem, the above sequence can be
> cleaned up by using triple quotes...
> ins = """insert into functionError_TBL
> (errorStatus, CollegeID, processTime)
> values (%s, %s, from_unixtime(%s) )"""
>> along with the corresponding insert portion, and the test list, an
>> error is generated..
> What error? You've failed to post the most important part... EXACTLY
> what the system reports...
> --
> Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
> wlfraed at HTTP://
> --
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