print v. print()
Thomas Jollans
thomas at
Sat Aug 14 11:30:28 EDT 2010
On Saturday 14 August 2010, it occurred to Frederick Williams to exclaim:
> I am learning Python from Hammond & Robinson's _Python Programming on
> Win32_, January 2000 edition. This
> print "Sleeping for 10 seconds"
> which appears in some example code, fails to... um... Compile?
> Interpret? Well, whatever the word is, it fails. Trial and error
> revealed that
> print("Sleeping for 10 seconds")
> does the trick. I am using version 3.1.2, presumably the book's authors
> used some earlier version.
Yes, indeed. Python 3.0 changed a number of things, the most visible is
removing the print statement in favour of the print() function.
> So why the change from print to print()?
There's no reason for print to be a statement -- it can just as well be a
function, which makes the language more regular, and therefore quite possibly
easier to learn.
> I should warn you that I know nothing about computers in general or
> Python in particular.
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