2 threads; 1 more Tkinter and 1 more terminal. problem
chrischia82 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 16 00:36:01 EDT 2010
On Aug 16, 4:17 am, Terry Reedy <tjre... at udel.edu> wrote:
> On 8/15/2010 10:22 AM, ChrisChia wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > i am trying to do a GUI with Tkinter package, but i am stuck no matter
> > what...
> > The problem right now is that my GUI has a label= 'A' (where 'A' is
> > the text on display)
> > i wish to run a program with 2 threads... one for my GUI and the other
> > for the terminal where the terminal will keep listening to the user
> > input (let's say if he enters 'B'), the GUI will update it's label to
> > 'B'.
> Makes no sense to me. GUI = graphics user interface. Interface = input
> from and output to the user. Additional threads for for other activities
> that may block or be compute intensive, not a separate text user interface.
> > It's easy to let the terminal wait after the user has entered the
> > input.
> > But the problem is that when the GUI loads up... the
> > root.mainloop()
> > doesn't seem to release the control,
> That seems to be the point of a GUI
> --
> Terry Jan Reedy
The idea has is that the interface acts as a window to display the
text type from the terminal.
It's a crazy idea but i wish to implement something that way.
The GUI in the case will display any text that the user enters from
the terminal...
Any idea to make both the processes running and listening at the same
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