How far can stack [LIFO] solve do automatic garbage collection and prevent memory leak ?
Standish P
stndshp at
Tue Aug 17 14:20:11 EDT 2010
On Aug 17, 1:17 am, torb... at (Torben Ægidius Mogensen) wrote:
> Standish P <stnd... at> writes:
> > [Q] How far can stack [LIFO] solve do automatic garbage collection and
> > prevent memory leak ?
> > Because a stack has push and pop, it is able to release and allocate
> > memory. We envisage an exogenous stack which has malloc() associated
> > with a push and free() associated with a pop.
> See
How many programmers have applied the ideas of these papers in their
programming practice ? I paste the abstract for convenience
This paper describes a memory management discipline for programs that
perform dynamic memory allocation and de-allocation. At runtime, all
values are put into regions. The store consists of a stack of regions.
All points of region allocation and deallocation are inferred
automatically, using a type and effect based program analysis. The
scheme does not assume the presence of a garbage collector. The scheme
was first presented by Tofte and Talpin (1994); subsequently, it has
been tested in The ML Kit with Regions, a region-based, garbage-
collection free implementation of the Standard ML Core language, which
includes recursive datatypes, higher-order functions and updatable
references (Birkedal et al. 96, Elsman and Hallenberg 95). This paper
defines a region-based dynamic semantics for a skeletal programming
language extracted from Standard ML. We present the inference system
which specifies where regions can be allocated and de-allocated and a
detailed proof that the system is sound wi...
We present a translation scheme for the polymorphically typed call-by-
value &lgr;-calculus. All runtime values, including function closures,
are put into regions. The store consists of a stack of regions. Region
inference and effect inference are used to infer where regions can be
allocated and de-allocated. Recursive functions are handled using a
limited form of polymorphic recursion. The translation is proved
correct with respect to a store semantics, which models as a region-
based run-time system. Experimental results suggest that regions tend
to be small, that region allocation is frequent and that overall
memory demands are usually modest, even without garbage collection.
We report on our experience with designing, implementing, proving
correct, and evaluating a region-based memory management system.
dynamic storage management - regions - Standard ML
> Torben
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