scope of variable
John Nagle
nagle at
Sat Aug 21 02:40:53 EDT 2010
On 8/20/2010 12:56 PM, M B wrote:
> fre 2010-08-20 klockan 13:19 -0600 skrev Burton Samograd:
>> M B<znarus at> writes:
>>> Hi,
>>>>>> dept=0
>>>>>> def mud():
>>> print dept
>>>>>> mud()
>>> 0
>>>>>> def mud():
>>> dept+=1
>>> print dept
>> You should add a global statement or else python thinks a variable used
>> is a local:
>>>>> def mud():
>> global dept
>> dept+=1
>> print dept
>> --
>> Burton Samograd
> Ok. Thanks for the answers. :) I was a bit puzzled of
> the fact that I could read but not assign to a global variable.
If you assign before a read, you create a local variable.
If you read only, you get a global access.
If you do a read before an assignment, you get an error message.
John Nagle
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