IDLE will not startup after upgrading Python on Mac OS X

Benjamin Kaplan benjamin.kaplan at
Mon Aug 23 10:05:36 EDT 2010

On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 9:45 AM, Frederick Manley <fmanley at> wrote:
> I have snow leopard and a brand new mac book pro.  After running python from
> x11, I saw that I had python 2.5.1 installed on this laptop,

That should be 2.6.1 if you're on Snow Leopard. Also, why were you
running Python from an xterm? Just use

> so went to
> to download Python 2.7, as I was "strongly encouraged" to do on
> the website.
> The problem is that Mac doesn't come with a text editor for writing
> programs.  TextEdit won't allow you to save files with the ".py" extension.

Yes it will. You just have to turn it to plain text mode first. It's
in the format menu. Then, just add the .py extension to the file name
when you go to save it. You'll get an annoying little "do you want to
use .py or .txt" message box.

>  So IDLE is really my only choice.

Vim and emacs are both installed on the machine. Or you can install
MacVim. Or whatever GUI version of Emacs there is.
Or you can install TextMate if you don't want to learn those. Or you
can install XCode or Eclipse+PyDev if you want an IDE. Or Eric or
Komodo Edit. Or any of a dozen others.

>The only problem is, whenever I start it
> up (I've tried starting it from the Terminal and double clicking the icon) I
> get the following message:
> "Idle's subprocess cannot make connection.  Either Idle can't start a
> subprocess or a personal firewall is blocking the connection."
> Searching various programming forums came up with similar problems users
> have had in windows, but I couldn't find any information on how to fix this
> problem on a mac with OSX.  Please help.

>From the title, this may be relevant, but I'm not sure because I'm
having trouble accessing the bug tracker right now.

Also, this one:

> Thanks,
> Fred

> --

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