How far can stack [LIFO] solve do automatic garbage collection and prevent memory leak ?
Paul Rubin at nospam.invalid
Tue Aug 24 20:16:20 EDT 2010
Hugh Aguilar <hughaguilar96 at> writes:
> I've read a lot of graduate-level CS books.
Reading CS books doesn't make you a computer scientist any more than
listening to violin records makes you a violinist. Write out answers to
all the exercises in those books, and get your answers to the more
difficult ones checked by a professor, and you'll be getting somewhere.
That's the point someone else was making about self-study: without
someone checking your answers at first, it's easy to not learn to
recogize your own mistakes.
Anyway, as someone else once said, studying a subject like CS isn't done
by reading. It's done by writing out answers to problem after problem.
Unless you've been doing that, you haven't been studying.
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