Problem checking an existing browser cookie
nikos.the.gr33k at
Sun Aug 29 21:14:55 EDT 2010
On 29 Αύγ, 21:44, MRAB <pyt... at> wrote:
> On 29/08/2010 06:34, Νίκος wrote:
> > On 28 Αύγ, 23:15, MRAB<pyt... at> wrote:
> >> On 28/08/2010 20:37, Íßêïò wrote:
> >>> On 22 Áýã, 10:27, Íßêïò< at> wrote:
> >>>> On 16 Áýã, 14:31, Peter Otten<__pete... at> wrote:
> >>>>> Íßêïò wrote:
> >>>>>> # initializecookie
> >>>>>> cookie=Cookie.SimpleCookie()
> >>>>>> cookie.load( os.environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE', '') )
> >>>>>> mycookie =cookie.get('visitor')
> >>>>>> if ( mycookie and mycookie.value != 'nikos' ) or r'(cyta|
> >>>>>> yandex|13448|spider|crawl)', host ) is None:
> >>>>>> blabla...
> >>>>>> ========================
> >>>>>> I checked and Chrome has acookienames visitor with a value ofnikos
> >>>>>> within.
> >>>>>> So, i have to ask why the if fails?
> >>>>> Maybe it's because != != ==
> >>>> Iwant ti if code block to be executed only if the browsercookienames
> >>>> visitor fetched doesnt cotnain the vbalue of 'nikos'
> >>>> Is there somethign wrong with the way i wrote it?
> >>> Please do help me with this too becaus eif i dont solve this my
> >>> website keeps count my each visit like iam a guest visitor!
> >> Print out mycookie, repr(mycookie.value) (unless mycookie is None) and
> >> repr(host). Then follow the code yourself to see whether the condition
> >> is True.
> > print mycookie outputs 'None'
> > Thts weird because i check with the browser and the cookie is there!
> Just because you can see it doesn't mean your code can.
> > print repr(host) outputs ''
> > repr(mycookie.value) (unless mycookie is None)
> > and also
> > print mycookie.value gives an error too. Maybe there is not a value
> > method?
> If mycookie is None, then it's not surprising that doesn't have 'value'.
> In summary, mycookie is None, so:
> mycookie and mycookie.value != 'nikos'
> is false (actually None, which is treated as false).
> host == '', so:
>'(cyta|yandex|13448|spider|crawl)', host)
> finds 'cyta' and the search returns a match.
> false or false == false
> blabla... isn't executed.
Lets forget the 2nd or argument, ill put it off
so we have this now
if ( mycookie and mycookie.value != 'nikos' ):
#do stuff as long as there ins't a cookie names visitor with a
value of nikos in the broswer
What does it mean practically that the mycookie equals to None?
That mycookie doesnt exist?
How should i write this if block to mkake sure it checks whether or
not the cookie exists?
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