How to implement a pipeline...??? Please help
Ritchy lelis
ritchy_gato at
Mon Aug 30 10:51:34 EDT 2010
On 26 Ago, 08:52, Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfr... at> wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Aug 2010 22:21:34 -0700 (PDT), Ritchy lelis
> <ritchy_g... at> declaimed the following in
> gmane.comp.python.general:
> > hi friend Dennis Lee Bieber
> > I have watching your code sujestion and now i can understand more of
> > what you have there..
> Take warning -- I think I had a major flaw in the summation part of
> the logic... It's probably easier just to use a list of lists (one list
> per stage, and each list as long as the number of stages) and sum the
> diagonal
> result = sum([list_of_lists[i][i] for i in range(number_of_stages)])
> > i would like to show you them but i need to now if you still
> > interested in the challenge it self and also in helping me with your
> > extraordinary tips.
> > Can i count on your help? I hope so gratefully.
> My apologies... much more help and I'll have done the work for you
> (though I'm still perplexed at simulating a hardware A/D converter when
> the input is already a floating point digital, and the output is integer
> digital)
> --
> Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
> wlfr... at HTTP://
My apologies... much more help and I'll have done the work for you
Until now you were the only person who helped me so far...
your help has served a lot.
Already learned a lot with you so please do not stop
helping me.
To show you that you have not done it alone, i'll show you that i have
made some arrangements.
About the pipeline Class still have some errors and i'm working on it.
Hope this link help.
though I'm still perplexed at simulating a hardware A/D converter when
> the input is already a floating point digital, and the output is integer
> digital
I believe that de residuals that we're getting at the output,
already are the wave forms that we should get if we had a Oscilloscope
and analyzing the behavior of a A/D hardware and the digital parts is
to quantify the analog input ie first we analyze and translate the
analog input to a known residue and then quantifies to the digital
I already initialized the "non linear" issues with the Class
Calculate, and after this we will start to see how A/D converter
really works.
I would love you to help me at this one to
Class Calculate:
1 -
2 -
And now my new arrangements:
# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
##>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Incluir as
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import *
from numpy.fft import *
from pylab import *
class ADC(object):
def __init__(self, Inc, V_in, V_ref, Cs, Cf):
##Guarda o número de estágio e a tensão de
## Stores the number of stage and reference
self.Inc = Inc
self.V_ref = V_ref
self.Cs = Cs
self.Cf = Cs
##calcula os limiares da tensão do comparador
##calculates the threshold voltage of the
self.V_H = self.V_ref * 0.25
self.V_L = -self.V_H
self.V_in = V_in
#define dois array de "Inc" elementos todos a
uns e zeros respectivamente
##sets two array "Inc" elements all the ones and
zeros respectively
self.ones = np.ones(Inc, dtype=np.float)
self.zeros = np.zeros(Inc, dtype=np.float)
##função flash 1.5 bit
##1.5 bit flash function
def flash1b5(self):
# calcula as posições onde a tensão de entrada
excede o limiar alto
## calculates the positions where the input
voltage exceeds the high threshold
highBits = np.where(self.V_in > self.V_H,
self.ones, self.zeros)
# calcula as posições onde a tensão de entrada é
menor que o limiar baixo
## calculates the positions where the input
voltage is less than the low threshold
lowBits = np.where(self.V_in < self.V_L,
self.ones, self.zeros)
# calcula as posições onde a tensão de entrada é
maior que o limiar baixo e não excede o limiar alto
## calculates the positions where the input
voltage is greater than the low threshold and does not exceed the high
midleBits = np.where(highBits + lowBits == 0,
self.ones, self.zeros)
# "digital" output pode ser obtido somando 1 e o
highBits e subtraindo lowBits
## "Digital" output can be obtained by adding
and subtracting 1 and highBits lowBits
self.digital_out = 1 + highBits + -lowBits
# calcular residuo
## Calculate residue
self.residuals = (((1+self.Cs/self.Cf)*
self.V_in) -((self.Cs/self.Cf) * self.V_ref)) * highBits + ((1+self.Cs/
self.Cf)* self.V_in )* midleBits + (((1+self.Cs/self.Cf)* self.V_in) +
self.Cf)* self.V_ref)) * lowBits
# retorno da saida digital e do residuo
## return of the digital output and the residue
out = [self.digital_out, self.residuals]
return out
##função flash 2 bit
## 2 bit flash function
def flash2b(self):
# calcula as posições onde a tensão de entrada
excede o limiar alto
## calculates the positions where the input
voltage exceeds the high threshold
# (2X the threshold of the 1.5B stages)
highBits1 = np.where(self.V_in > 2*self.V_H,
[3], self.zeros)
# calcula as posições onde a tensão de entrada
está entre zero e o limiar alto
## calculates the positions where the input
voltage is between zero and the high threshold
if any(self.V_in <= 2*self.V_H) and
any(self.V_in > 0.0):
highBits2 = np.where((self.V_in <=
2*self.V_H) & (self.V_in > 0.0), [2], self.zeros)
# calcula as posições onde a tensão de entrada
está entre zero e o limiar baixo
## calculates the positions where the input
voltage is between zero and low threshold
if any(self.V_in <= 0.0) and any(self.V_in >
lowBits1 = np.where((self.V_in <= 0.0) &
(self.V_in > 2*self.V_L), self.ones,self.zeros)
# calcula as posições onde a tensão de entrada é
menor que o limiar baixo
## calculates the positions where the input
voltage is less than the low threshold
lowBits2 = np.where(self.V_in <= 2*self.V_L,
self.zeros, self.zeros)
# "digital" output pode ser obtido somando todas
as posiçoes desta forma.
## "Digital" output can be obtained by adding
all the positions in this way
self.digital_out = lowBits2 + lowBits1 +
highBits2+ highBits1
# retorno da saida digital
## Digital output return
out = [self.digital_out]
return out
##função flash 2.5 bit
## 2.5 bit flash function
def flash2b5(self):
## calculates the positions where the input
voltage exceeds the high threshold
highBits1 = np.where(self.V_in > (self.V_H*5/2),
self.ones, self.zeros)
## calculates the positions where the input
voltage is between zero and the high threshold
if any(self.V_in <= (self.V_H*5/2)) and
any(self.V_in >=(self.V_H*3/2)):
highBits2 = np.where((self.V_in <=
(self.V_H*5/2)) &
>=(self.V_H*3/2)), self.ones, self.zeros)
if any(self.V_in <= (self.V_H*3/2)) and
any(self.V_in >=(self.V_H*1/2)):
highBits3 = np.where((self.V_in <=
(self.V_H*3/2)) &
>=(self.V_H*1/2)), self.ones, self.zeros)
if any(self.V_in <= (self.V_H*1/2)) and
any(self.V_in >=(self.V_L*1/2)):
midleBits = np.where((self.V_in <=
(self.V_H*1/2)) &
>=(self.V_L*1/2)), self.ones, self.zeros)
if any(self.V_in <= (self.V_L*1/2)) and
any(self.V_in >=(self.V_L*3/2)):
lowBits1 = np.where((self.V_in <=
(self.V_L*1/2)) &
>=(self.V_L*3/2)), self.ones, self.zeros)
if any(self.V_in <= (self.V_L*3/2)) and
any(self.V_in >=(self.V_L*5/2)):
lowBits2 = np.where((self.V_in <=
(self.V_L*3/2)) &
>=(self.V_L*5/2)), self.ones, self.zeros)
## calculates the positions where the input
voltage is less than the low threshold
lowBits3 = np.where(self.V_in < (self.V_L*5/2),
self.ones, self.zeros)
## Calculate residue 2.5 Bit
self.residuals = ((4*self.V_in -
3*self.V_ref)*highBits1 + (4*self.V_in - 2*self.V_ref) * highBits2 +
(4*self.V_in - self.V_ref) *
highBits3 + (4 * self.V_in) * midleBits + (4*self.V_in + self.V_ref) *
lowBits1 +
(4*self.V_in + 2*self.V_ref) *
lowBits2 + (4*self.V_in + 3*self.V_ref) * lowBits3)
## Residue output return
out = [self.residuals]
return out
##função flash 3 Bit
## 3 Bit flash function
def flash3b(self):
## calculates the positions where the input
voltage exceeds the high threshold
highBits1 = np.where(self.V_in > (self.V_H*3),
[7], self.zeros)
## calculates the positions where the input
voltage is between zero and the high threshold
if any(self.V_in <= (self.V_H*3)) and
any(self.V_in >=self.V_H*2):
highBits2 = np.where((self.V_in <=
(self.V_H*3)) &
>=(self.V_H*2)), [6], self.zeros)
if any(self.V_in <= (self.V_H*2)) and
any(self.V_in >=(self.V_H)):
highBits3 = np.where((self.V_in <=
(self.V_H*2)) &
>=(self.V_H)), [5], self.zeros)
if any(self.V_in <= (self.V_H)) and
any(self.V_in >=0.0):
highBits4 = np.where((self.V_in <=
(self.V_H)) &
>=0.0), [4], self.zeros)
if any(self.V_in <= 0.0) and any(self.V_in >=
lowBits1 = np.where((self.V_in <=
0.0) &
(self.V_in >=
(self.V_L)), [3], self.zeros)
if any(self.V_in <= (self.V_L)) and
any(self.V_in >=(self.V_L*2)):
lowBits2 = np.where((self.V_in <=
(self.V_L)) &
>=(self.V_L*2)), [2], self.zeros)
if any(self.V_in <= (self.V_L*2)) and
any(self.V_in >=(self.V_L*3)):
lowBits3 = np.where((self.V_in <=
(self.V_L*2)) &
>=(self.V_L*3)), [1], self.zeros)
## calculates the positions where the input
voltage is less than the low threshold
lowBits4 = np.where(self.V_in < (self.V_L*3),
self.zeros, self.zeros)
## "Digital" output can be obtained by adding
all the positions in this way
self.digital_out = lowBits4 + lowBits3 +
lowBits2 + lowBits1 + highBits4 + highBits3 + highBits2 +highBits1
# retorno da saida digital
## Digital output return
out = [self.digital_out]
return out
##função flash 3.5 bit
## 3.5 Bit flash function
def flash3b5(self):
## calculates the positions where the input
voltage exceeds the high threshold
highBits1 = np.where(self.V_in >
(self.V_H*13/4), self.ones, self.zeros)
## calculates the positions where the input
voltage is between zero and the high threshold
if any(self.V_in <= (self.V_H*13/4)) and
any(self.V_in >=(self.V_H*11/4)):
highBits2 = np.where((self.V_in <=
(self.V_H*13/4)) &
>=(self.V_H*11/4)), self.ones, self.zeros)
if any(self.V_in <= (self.V_H*11/4)) and
any(self.V_in >=(self.V_H*9/4)):
highBits3 = np.where((self.V_in <=
(self.V_H*11/4)) &
>=(self.V_H*9/4)), self.ones, self.zeros)
if any(self.V_in <= (self.V_H*9/4)) and
any(self.V_in >=(self.V_H*7/4)):
highBits4 = np.where((self.V_in <=
(self.V_H*9/4)) &
>=(self.V_H*7/4)), self.ones, self.zeros)
if any(self.V_in <= (self.V_H*7/4)) and
any(self.V_in >=(self.V_H*5/4)):
highBits5 = np.where((self.V_in <=
(self.V_H*7/4)) &
>=(self.V_H*5/4)), self.ones, self.zeros)
if any(self.V_in <= (self.V_H*5/4)) and
any(self.V_in >=(self.V_H*3/4)):
highBits6 = np.where((self.V_in <=
(self.V_H*5/4)) &
>=(self.V_H*3/4)), self.ones, self.zeros)
if any(self.V_in <= (self.V_H*3/4)) and
any(self.V_in >=(self.V_H*1/4)):
highBits7 = np.where((self.V_in <=
(self.V_H*3/4)) &
>=(self.V_H*1/4)), self.ones, self.zeros)
if any(self.V_in <= (self.V_H*1/4)) and
any(self.V_in >=(self.V_L*1/4)):
midleBits = np.where((self.V_in <=
(self.V_H*1/4)) &
>=(self.V_L*1/4)), self.ones, self.zeros)
if any(self.V_in <= (self.V_L*1/4)) and
any(self.V_in >=(self.V_L*3/4)):
lowBits1 = np.where((self.V_in <=
(self.V_L*1/4)) &
>=(self.V_L*3/4)), self.ones, self.zeros)
if any(self.V_in <= (self.V_L*3/4)) and
any(self.V_in >=(self.V_L*5/4)):
lowBits2 = np.where((self.V_in <=
(self.V_L*3/4)) &
>=(self.V_L*5/4)), self.ones, self.zeros)
if any(self.V_in <= (self.V_L*5/4)) and
any(self.V_in >=(self.V_L*7/4)):
lowBits3 = np.where((self.V_in <=
(self.V_L*5/4)) &
>=(self.V_L*7/4)), self.ones, self.zeros)
if any(self.V_in <= (self.V_L*7/4)) and
any(self.V_in >=(self.V_L*9/4)):
lowBits4 = np.where((self.V_in <=
(self.V_L*7/4)) &
>=(self.V_L*9/4)), self.ones, self.zeros)
if any(self.V_in <= (self.V_L*9/4)) and
any(self.V_in >=(self.V_L*11/4)):
lowBits5 = np.where((self.V_in <=
(self.V_L*9/4)) &
>=(self.V_L*11/4)), self.ones, self.zeros)
if any(self.V_in <= (self.V_L*11/4)) and
any(self.V_in >=(self.V_L*13/4)):
lowBits6 = np.where((self.V_in <=
(self.V_L*11/4)) &
>=(self.V_L*13/4)), self.ones, self.zeros)
## calculates the positions where the input
voltage is less than the low threshold
lowBits7 = np.where(self.V_in < (self.V_L*13/4),
self.ones, self.zeros)
## Calculate residue 3.5 Bit
self.residuals = ((8*self.V_in - 7*self.V_ref)
*highBits1 + (8*self.V_in - 6*self.V_ref)* highBits2 +
(8*self.V_in -
5*self.V_ref)*highBits3 + (8*self.V_in - 4*self.V_ref) * highBits4 +
(8*self.V_in - 3*self.V_ref) *
highBits5 + (8*self.V_in - 2*self.V_ref) * highBits6 +
(8*self.V_in - self.V_ref) *
highBits7 + (8 * self.V_in) * midleBits +
(8*self.V_in + self.V_ref) *
lowBits1 + (8*self.V_in + 2*self.V_ref) * lowBits2 +
(8*self.V_in + 3*self.V_ref) *
lowBits3 + (8*self.V_in + 4*self.V_ref) * lowBits4 +
(8*self.V_in + 5*self.V_ref) *
lowBits5 + (8*self.V_in + 6*self.V_ref) * lowBits6 +
(8*self.V_in + 7*self.V_ref) *
lowBits7 )
## Residue output return
out = [self.residuals]
return out
## ##função Pipeline
## def pipeline(self):
##class calculate(ADC):
## def __init__ (self):
## def AC_Errors(self):
## def Offset_Errors(self):
## def plot_fft(self):
## def DNL_INL(self):
if __name__=='__main__':
V_in = np.linspace(-1, 1, 10000)
F1B5 = ADC(10000, V_in, 1, 2, 2).flash1b5()
F2B = ADC(10000, V_in, 1, 2, 2).flash2b()
F2B5 = ADC(10000, V_in, 1, 2, 2).flash2b5()
F3B5 = ADC(10000, V_in, 1, 2, 2).flash3b5()
F3B = ADC(10000, V_in, 1, 2, 2).flash3b()
fig1 = figure(1,figsize=(8,5))
ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111, autoscale_on=True)
ax1.plot(V_in, F1B5[1], lw = 1, color='b')
grid(True); xlabel('IN'); ylabel('OUT'); title('RESIDUALS
fig2 = figure(2,figsize=(8,5))
ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(111, autoscale_on=False,xlim=(-1,1),
ax2.plot(V_in, F1B5[0], lw=1, color='r')
grid(True); xlabel('IN'); ylabel('OUT'); title('DIGITAL OUT
fig3 = figure(3,figsize=(8,5))
ax3 = fig3.add_subplot(111, autoscale_on=False,xlim=(-1,1),
ax3.plot(V_in, F2B[0], lw=1, color='g')
grid(True); xlabel('IN'); ylabel('OUT'); title('DIGITAL OUT
fig4 = figure(4,figsize=(8,5))
ax4 = fig4.add_subplot(111, autoscale_on=True)
ax4.plot(V_in, F2B5[0], lw=1, color='y')
grid(True); xlabel('IN'); ylabel('OUT'); title('RESIDUALS
fig5 = figure(5,figsize=(8,5))
ax5 = fig5.add_subplot(111, autoscale_on=False,xlim=(-1,1),
ax5.plot(V_in, F3B[0], lw=1, color='brown')
grid(True); xlabel('IN'); ylabel('OUT'); title('DIGITAL OUT
fig6 = figure(6,figsize=(8,5))
ax6 = fig6.add_subplot(111, autoscale_on=False,
xlim=(-1,1), ylim=(-1,1))
ax6.plot(V_in, F3B5[0], lw=1, color='purple')
grid(True); xlabel('IN'); ylabel('OUT'); title('RESIDUALS
Ps: How can i put my messages just for you to read it like you always
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