Optimising literals away
alekseymv at gmail.com
Tue Aug 31 12:33:49 EDT 2010
On Aug 30, 10:38 pm, Tobias Weber <t... at gmx.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> whenever I type an "object literal" I'm unsure what optimisation will do
> to it.
> def m(arg):
> if arg & set([1,2,3]):
> return 4
> Is the set created every time the method is called? What about a
> frozenset? Or tuple vs list? After how many calls per second does it pay
> to save it at the module level? Would anybody else find this ugly?
> Also I never profiled the regular expression cache...
> --
> Tobias Weber
I test time creation of any types ang get next result:
dictionary = 393 000 * 10
frozenset = 267 000 * 10
list = 519 000 * 10
set = 268 000 * 10
tuple = 5 935 500 * 10
global assign = 5 882 700 * 10
All results multiple by 10 becouse i do 10 creations in one loop and
count loops per second.
As you see create global variable is more faster (20 times) then
create list and from it create set! Assigments is ~ 5 882 000*10,>>>
set creation is 268 000*10
My test system is Ubuntu 10.04, Dell Inspiron 1525, Core2Duo, T8300,
2Gb , Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Apr 16 2010, 13:09:56) [GCC 4.4.3].
I make tests with XPyLIB.timetest module. (XPyLIB hosted at
sourceforge - http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/xpylib/wiki/CookBook/TimeTest)
Assign global (pre declared by "global") function is next (N - is a
times of repeating):
gset = set((1,2,3))
def t_set_assign_global(ntimes = N, funcloop=u'funcloop',
"""Set assigment from global : global=(1,2,3); loop a = global 10
times in while.
@UID@ e710b888-bacd-4248-9ff7-1f7a348e1c8f
@author@ Mazhugin Aleksey
@score_common@ 1
a = 0
global gset
while ntimes > 0:
a = gset
a = gset
a = gset
a = gset
a = gset
a = gset
a = gset
a = gset
a = gset
a = gset
ntimes -= 1
Set function is next:
def t_set_create(ntimes = N, funcloop=u'funcloop',
"""Set creation : t=(1,2,3); loop a = set(t) 10 times in while.
@UID@ a021a756-f9a5-44ec-b9e6-e5532b56c09f
@author@ Mazhugin Aleksey
@score_common@ 1
a = 0
t = (1,2,3)
while ntimes > 0:
a = set(t)
a = set(t)
a = set(t)
a = set(t)
a = set(t)
a = set(t)
a = set(t)
a = set(t)
a = set(t)
a = set(t)
ntimes -= 1
Also i test regular expression compiled pattern vs non-compiled:
compiled = 343 000*2
not compiled = 164 000*2
Functions is next:
patt5 = u'*.tmp,*.pyc,*.pyo,*.bak,*.log'
path1 = u'/home/user/project/src/file.ext'
path2 = u'/home/user/project/logs/debug.log'
def t_rematch(ntimes=10, funcloop=u'funcloop',
@UID@ 665f4014-9c11-4668-baae-e49230027bd4
@author@ Mazhugin Aleksey
@score_common@ 1
ci = patt5.replace(u'\\',u'\\\\').replace(u'|',u'\
\|').replace(u'.',u'\\.').replace(u'*',u'.*'). \
\^').replace(u'{',u'\\{'). \
repat = u'|'.join([u'('+i+u'$)' for i in ci])
rec = re.compile(repat)
r = 0
while ntimes:
r = rec.match(path1) is not None
r = rec.match(path2) is not None
ntimes -= 1
def t_rematch_string(ntimes=10, funcloop=u'funcloop',
Not compiled.
@UID@ 80fa1ca3-5d51-4f6e-8ac2-4ccafe4c1160
@author@ Mazhugin Aleksey
@score_common@ 1
ci = patt5.replace(u'\\',u'\\\\').replace(u'|',u'\
\|').replace(u'.',u'\\.').replace(u'*',u'.*'). \
\^').replace(u'{',u'\\{'). \
repat = u'|'.join([u'('+i+u'$)' for i in ci])
#rec = re.compile(repat)
r = 0
while ntimes:
r = re.match(repat, path1) is not None
r = re.match(repat, path2) is not None
ntimes -= 1
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